I love these photos , they were my mums from the late 70's early 80's when she dated a DJ , the stoner guitarist was apparently his brother, some of the roller skaters are band members , aaannd my mum is the one on the skiis, i think that's in New Zealand.
I just love them , theyre so .. real , it doesnt seem like you can see photos like these anymore , its like the photos actually have significance , unlike the mass produced digital photos of now. Plus i love the clothes , so Aussie aswell for some reason , especially with the fosters cans!!
On another note , there will be a influx of drawings in a few weeks ( at least im hoping there will be) when i have finished all the drawings im doing now. After that im hoping to find time to shop for a camera body for my mums old lenses , they're bayonet fittings , sigma lenses for an old fujica body , theyre around 22 years old , then there will be some lovely black and white photos , im hoping.