I want to eat all this stuff ,dont know why , but i want my house to have these items ,not all of them , but a select few. This is on my grandparents 15 acre block of land out past Bendigo . They also have a house in Bendigo city , that was my great grandmothers , and its like a time capsule , everything is from the 50's its beautifull.
These photos are also a continuance of an idea i was exploring last year . It all had to do with the back shed, or the family garage , eveyrone has one somewhere, that holds tonnes of arbitrary objects salvaged over the decades for example. Also the idea of the garage being a mecca for creative expression , my grandad used to restore bentleighs and mg's he also did some carpentry , my other grandad had a darkroom where he developed his films , it was also used by my uncles for their cars . I remember being with my grandparents , at 9 oclock at night i would look over to the garage to see that my dad and grandad were still in there tinkering away with the light on , and i would always want to go over there and sit next to the wood fire while they spoke about pistons and carburettors and rubber grades. Then theres the Tom waits song , which the man in his garage , tinkering away , and the whole " what is he DOING in there " which makes it seem so ominous and secretive. I could continue but i wont. I may possibly maybe someday post up the other photos from my mates dads garage that has his vintage jag inside it , for my own organisation sanity. :P
My favourite photos of the above selection are the old switches and gauges with the amperes . I wish i could have explored this massive garage more , but i didnt have the keys for the neighbouring room :(